
Download.com and large files

I love free things, especially when it comes to gaming. However, the price paid for this free gaming is the wait to download. Usually if you have a good, strong connection to a good, strong server, downloading these files can usually be done in less than an hour (depending on size, of course). However, even with the best connection, one always has to deal with horrible servers with horrible rates. One of these horrible server holes is owned by CNet and goes by the name of Download.com.

Of course, everyone loves Download.com because of all the free things they can get on there legally. Actually, the web site is pretty nice for downloading some accessories that you'd rather not pay for. One thing that is extremely irritating about the site, however, is the piss-awful download rates. The fastest rate I recall seeing something download off Download.com is around 50kbps. I guess 50 isn't so bad, but for humongous files, it's suicide.

For example, I am currently downloading Hero Online from the Japan mirror. I guess that means the server that I'm downloading from is located around the world or something, but I'm not too sure. I am getting around 250kb/s, which is pretty fair for my connection. On the other side of the world, Download.com, a site owned by a multi-million dollar corporation, wanted me to wait to download a 600MB file at 32kb/s. I'm sorry, maybe I'm an impatient douche bag, but that's too God-damned slow. If this was a torrent, I'd be more understanding, but for an FTP download? Come on, that's horse shit! If your site is an FTP download based site, then you should at least get better servers or enough bandwidth to handle it!

So I guess what I've learned from downloading Hero is that how big a corporation is and how much money they can afford to spend on technology is inversely proportional to the quality of the equipment they use. *shrug*

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